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Super Holiday deals on Zendure power banks and…
Up to 40 percent off awesome hardware to kit out your home, office, or home office.
Firefox to ship ‘network partitioning’ as a new…
Firefox's "network partitioning" feature to ship in v85, scheduled for January 2021.
Where Fedora fits in the new Red Hat/CentOS…
With CentOS Stream now "tracking ahead" of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, where exactly does that leave Fedora, Red Hat's community Linux distro, and long-time RHEL test release?
Microsoft is designing its own Arm chips for…
We already knew Microsoft was working to bring Arm-powered servers for internal use to its cloud datacenters. But what and when will this mean anything to its customers?
Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla ban Kazakhstan’s MitM…
This marks the second time browsers makers had to intervene and block a certificate used by the Kazakhstan government to spy on its citizens.
WhatsApp is Brazil’s most popular mobile app
Users spend more time in the messaging app than in tools such as Instagram, according to a new study.
How to lock down your Microsoft Account and…
You can get a Microsoft Account for free, but that doesn't begin to describe its value, especially if you use that account for crucial email and cloud storage. Follow these seven steps to establish a…
Best high-speed screwdrivers for the engineer: Wera Kraftform…
Quadruple the speed of your screwdriver, no battery required.